all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 5AB 1 1 55.018212 -1.490343
NE28 5AS 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5AT 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DF 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DH 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DN 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DR 1 0 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DU 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DW 1 0 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5DZ 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BE 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BH 1 1 55.018212 -1.490343
NE28 5BJ 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BP 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BQ 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BT 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE28 5BU 1 1 55.018212 -1.490343
NE28 5BX 1 55.018212 -1.490343
NE28 5BY 0 55.018212 -1.490343
NE28 5BZ 1 55.018212 -1.490343